3 Reasons to Schedule an Annual Air Conditioning Inspection

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If your air conditioner has ever unexpectedly malfunctioned or broke down, you are probably not keen to repeat the experience. Fortunately, our team at Custom Air and Heat Inc., can help you avoid that possibility. We have extensive experience in the HVAC industry, and we know how to spot potential problems in your air conditioning system and fix them before they get worse.

3 Reasons to Schedule an Annual Air Conditioning Inspection

Our team is proud to offer thorough air conditioning inspection services, and in this article, we’ll go over a few reasons why we encourage you to schedule an inspection every year.

  • Prevent Malfunctions – As we alluded to above, the first reason why we recommend scheduling an annual air conditioning inspection is because doing so may prevent sudden malfunctions. Our technicians will examine every part of your system to check for problems, and we’ll make any necessary adjustments to restore your system to optimal condition.
  • Enhance Efficiency – Another reason to get an annual air conditioning inspection is because doing so will help keep your system in optimal working order, which means it will provide more effective cooling and more efficient performance. In other words, with our team’s help, your air conditioning will work better and use less energy to operate.
  • Increase Lifespan – Lastly, getting regular air conditioning inspections and maintenance services will extend the total lifespan of your unit. Most air conditioning units are designed to last at least 15 years, but with proper care and maintenance, you can further extend its lifespan and avoid expensive repairs.