3 Signs it's Time for Air
Conditioning Replacement

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At Custom Air and Heat Inc., we understand that here in Florida, you depend on your air conditioning to keep your home comfortable throughout the year. Because air conditioning is so important to everyday comfort in this climate, it’s easy to see why no one wants to have to think about replacing their system. However, just like everything else, your air conditioning will eventually wear out and need to be replaced with a more current model. In this article, we’ll go over three signs that you will probably need air conditioning replacement in the near future.

  1. Your AC isn’t doing its job. The whole point of air conditioning is to keep your home comfortable, so if your system seems to be having a hard time doing that job, it may be time to replace it. There are a number of reasons that your AC might be struggling to cool your home effectively, so we at Custom Air and Heat Inc. encourage you to call us for a professional inspection if you find yourself in this situation. We’ll examine your system and let you know if the problem can be fixed with repairs or whether you need a full air conditioning replacement.
  2. Your AC breaks down frequently. Another thing that indicates you might be due for an air conditioning replacement is frequent breakdowns. Even a relatively young system can experience a malfunction from time to time, but if your air conditioning is breaking down again and again, it might be time to start thinking about getting a new system altogether. Our experienced technicians will offer our honest assessment of your options and make a recommendation based on our professional experience.
  3. Your AC is over 10 years old. Properly cared for, an air conditioning system can last for up to 15 years. However, if your system has already passed the 10-year mark and you’re dealing with frequent or expensive problems, you should consider whether it’s worth it to try to stretch out its lifespan for another 5 years, or whether you should get it replaced now. Our team here at Custom Air and Heat Inc. can help you make that judgement call, and we can provide the expert air conditioning replacement services you need should you decide that that’s your best option.