Why You Should Call for Air Conditioning Service if Humidity is Not Being Controlled

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Some people do not realize that air conditioning does more than cool the air. The reason air conditioning was developed in the first place had more to do with humidity control than it did temperature control, hence the term air conditioning was coined instead of air cooling. The optimal relative humidity range is 45 to 55 percent, as that is the sweet spot where bacteria, viruses, fungi, mites, respiratory infections, allergic rhinitis, ozone production, and chemical interactions are all at their most advantageous average levels.

air conditioning does more than cool the air

If your home has too little humidity, you can be more susceptible to colds and infection, need to deal with static electricity, and experience dry hair and itchy skin. Your wood furniture, wood floors, and electronics won’t like it much either. On the other hand, if humidity is too high, you can have difficulty sleeping, the muggy conditions will be uncomfortable, and your home could become damaged by wood rot, mold growth, and wet insulation. You can tell you have high humidity if your windows fog up, you notice musty odors, or your skin feels moist.

There are several methods for controlling humidity in your home, but since your air conditioning system is already there and ready to take on the task, the best thing to do is call us at Custom Air and Heat Inc. for air conditioning service to diagnose why it might be falling down on the job. We will be happy to check out your system and let you know if there are other things you can do besides maintenance to control humidity in your home.